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Episode 75: Rebecca McCash Episode 75

Episode 75: Rebecca McCash

· 34:00


Welcome to episode #75! We’re thrilled to be joined by Rebecca McCash today.

Rebecca McCash is the founder and CEO of FutureTech Australia, a neurodivergent-led social enterprise focused on inspiring the next generation of neurodivergent minds. FutureTech provides STEAM-based (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) social and learning opportunities designed and delivered by neurodivergent individuals.

Rebecca is also an inclusion consultant for ASPEC’s Autism Friendly team, a member of Catalyst 2030, CECNA, and the Australian National Autism Strategy Economic Inclusion Working Group. With nearly a decade of experience in the disability sector, Rebecca is passionate about genuine co-design, neurodivergent well-being, and creating inclusive learning environments.

Welcome to the show, Rebecca!

JN: When did you realize you weren’t neurotypical?
  • Early exposure to neurodiversity through her younger brother’s autism and ADHD diagnosis
  • Struggled with chronic depression, anxiety, and eating disorders before being diagnosed at 26
  • Diagnosis provided a framework for understanding and supporting herself
JN: How has your diagnosis changed your life?
  • Allowed for self-advocacy and better life choices
  • Stopped forcing socialization and instead focused on deeper, meaningful relationships
  • Embraced special interests, especially learning and neurodivergence research
JN: What are your thoughts on the term "special interests"?
  • Doesn’t mind it but acknowledges some prefer "obsessions" or "passions"
  • Finds joy in deep-diving into interests like penguins, research, and STEAM topics
JN: How does your work align with your passions?
  • FutureTech focuses on neurodivergent-led STEAM education and community capacity building
  • Advocates for shifting the focus from making autistic people fit into neurotypical expectations to celebrating neurodivergent strengths
JN: What is the neurodivergent well-being framework you’re working on?
  • Traditional well-being metrics (e.g., academic achievement) don’t fully apply to neurodivergent people
  • Developed an alternative model emphasizing curiosity, self-advocacy, and interest-driven learning
  • Aims to help educators, parents, and workplaces better support neurodivergent individuals
JN: What productivity strategies work for you?
  • Uses extensive safety nets like calendar blocking, structured environments, and automation tools (e.g., Calendly)
  • Finds body doubling unhelpful but thrives with task chunking and completing work in one sitting
  • Offloads cognitive tasks to external systems to avoid overwhelm
JN: What does your morning routine look like?
  • Wakes up early and starts the day with herbal tea, tidying up, and checking emails
  • Uses structured routines to maximize productivity and mental clarity
  • Finds early mornings the best time for deep work
JN: How does narcolepsy impact your sleep, and what helps?
  • Struggles with disrupted sleep cycles due to constantly shifting between sleep stages
  • Uses sleep music, hypnosis tracks, and a weighted blanket for better rest
  • Takes a mid-day nap to compensate for limited nighttime sleep
JN: What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
  • Loves learning, reading, and researching a variety of topics, from neuroscience to economics
  • Enjoys dancing, especially pole dancing, as a way to stay active and express herself
JN: Where can people connect with you?
JN: Final words for the audience?
  • Find what works for you instead of forcing conventional productivity and relaxation methods
  • Advocate for neurodivergent-friendly well-being frameworks
  • Lean into your strengths and embrace what makes you unique

More from Focus Bear:
Website: https://focusbear.io
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/focus-bear/
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Podcast: https://podcast.focusbear.io
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@focusbear

Connect with Jeremy:
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/nageljeremy
Email: jeremy@focusbear.io

Connect with Joey:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joeycorea/
Newsletter: https://thepluckyjester.com/newsletter/


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