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Episode 74: Tessa Amina Episode 74

Episode 74: Tessa Amina

· 37:28


Welcome to episode #74! We’re thrilled to be joined by Tessa Amina today.

Tessa Amina is the founder of Intuitive Expression and is a neurodivergent therapist, coach, and Reiki practitioner. They offer international coaching for professionals, drawing on lived experience with depression, anxiety, PTSD, religious trauma, grief, neurodiversity, and addiction.
Tessa provides compassionate support for mental health challenges, spiritual growth, and creative blocks. They’re here today to share insights on living as a neurodivergent person and offer productivity tips.

Welcome to the show, Tessa!


When did you realize you weren’t neurotypical?
  • Diagnosed with ADHD at 31 while working in an acute care psychiatric hospital
  • Struggled with details and a fast-paced environment, leading to diagnosis
  • Looking back, childhood and school difficulties made sense after diagnosis
JN: How did that realization impact your self-perception?
  • Brought self-compassion and understanding of past struggles
  • Long-standing difficulties with organization, testing, and classroom behavior
JN: What strategies have helped you manage ADHD post-diagnosis?
  • Shifted to a less intense work environment and started a private practice
  • Supplements (influenced by Dr. Daniel Amen) instead of stimulants
  • Uses isochronic tones and sound therapy for focus
JN: Can you explain isochronic tones?
  • Similar to binaural beats but don’t require earbuds
  • Used in a cubicle setting to help maintain focus
JN: How did changing your work environment help you lean into your strengths?
  • Focuses on therapy, coaching, and Reiki—things they naturally excel at
  • Uses mornings for administrative tasks when their brain is freshest
JN: What role does Mind-Body Bridging play in your daily routine?
  • Foundation of their work, helping with self-awareness and emotional regulation
  • Uses mapping techniques for processing thoughts before big conversations
JN: Do you prefer working with individuals or groups?
  • Currently works one-on-one but is considering starting group workshops
JN: What are your hobbies outside of work?
  • Loves movies, especially Pixar, cerebral films, and documentaries
  • Passion for poetry, nature, and trying diverse cuisines
  • Recently traveled to France and enjoyed exploring food culture
JN: How do you optimize productivity during the day?
  • Uses whiteboards and physical lists instead of apps for task management
  • Keeps workspaces clear and uses music to stay in the zone
JN: What productivity advice doesn’t work for you?
  • The concept of “grit” isn’t helpful—forcing tasks through pressure backfires
  • Instead, they set false deadlines to create urgency without anxiety
JN: What does your morning routine look like?
  • Coffee, reading, meditation, and Mind-Body Bridging before work
  • Uses mapping to prepare for big meetings or conversations
JN: How do you wind down at night?
  • Uses silence, meditation, and supplements like lemon balm, CBD, and magnesium
  • Engages in Mind-Body Bridging and sensory grounding to relax before sleep
JN: Where can people connect with you?
  • Email: tessarosemagic@gmail.com
  • Neurodiversity Network
JN: Final words for the audience?
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help
  • Honor your body—it will guide you if you listen
  • Lean into your strengths and celebrate them
Connect with Tessa:
Email: tessarosemagic@gmail.com

Connect with Jeremy:
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/nageljeremy
Email: jeremy@focusbear.io

Connect with Joey:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joeycorea/
Newsletter: https://thepluckyjester.com/newsletter/

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