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Episode 76: Clare Gibellini Episode 76

Episode 76: Clare Gibellini

· 39:33


Welcome to episode #76! We’re thrilled to be joined by Clare Gibellini today.

Clare Gibellini is a passionate advocate for disability inclusion in Australia and internationally. She is the co-chair of the Oversight Council for the First National Autism Strategy and the deputy chair of WA’s Ministerial Advisory Council on Disability. Clare also works as a policy officer for Women with Disabilities Australia and has been newly appointed as the chair for the National Disability Research Partnership.

With a background in advocacy, research, and policy reform, Clare is committed to creating a more inclusive world. In this episode, she shares her journey of discovering her neurodivergence, the challenges of navigating multiple roles, and her strategies for balancing advocacy, productivity, and self-care.

Welcome to the show, Clare!

JN: What was your journey to discovering your neurodivergence?
  • Grew up as a military kid, constantly moving, which made it difficult to understand differences
  • Realized similarities with her son after his autism diagnosis
  • Received her own autism diagnosis from the same clinician who diagnosed her son
  • Diagnosis helped her understand herself, parent differently, and practice self-compassion
JN: How did the diagnosis change your self-perception?
  • Stopped internalizing negative self-talk
  • Developed strategies to manage social situations and advocate for herself
  • Shifted perspective from “something’s wrong with me” to “society isn’t built inclusively”
JN: What are your current work roles?
  • Policy officer at Women with Disabilities Australia
  • Co-chair of the National Autism Strategy
  • Chair of the National Disability Research Partnership (NDRP)
  • Advocates for more disability-led research and inclusive policy development
JC: How do you manage multiple high-responsibility roles?
  • ADHD helps her balance tasks by switching between projects
  • Strong support network keeps her accountable and reminds her to take breaks
  • Finds fulfillment in advocacy work, which fuels her motivation
JC: How do you prevent burnout in advocacy and policy work?
  • Limits social media engagement to avoid negativity and toxicity
  • Has hobbies unrelated to disability work, including volunteering for emergency services
  • Engages in creative activities like crocheting, gardening, and baking
  • Works out regularly to manage chronic pain and mental well-being
JN: What does your work in disability research aim to achieve?
  • Advocates for disability-led, purpose-driven research to inform better policies
  • Aims to include lived experience in research rather than extractive studies
  • Pushes for research that improves real-life outcomes rather than abstract academia
JC: How do you optimize productivity during the day?
  • Works from home to manage sensory needs
  • Uses a yoga ball chair for movement while working
  • Schedules movement breaks and weight training to stay regulated
  • Uses live transcription instead of note-taking to stay fully engaged in meetings
JC: What productivity advice doesn’t work for you?
  • Finds back-to-back meetings overwhelming and non-productive
  • Rejects corporate jargon and vague email requests—prefers direct communication
  • Pushes back against the expectation to have cameras on in every virtual meeting
JN: What does your morning routine look like?
  • Not a morning person, keeps routine simple
  • Prepares everything the night before to reduce stress
  • Gets her son ready for school, grabs coffee, and starts work with a structured plan
  • Relies on checklists and habit-tracking apps to stay organized
JN: How do you manage sleep with ADHD and frequent travel?
  • Struggles with sleep due to travel, ADHD, and hormonal cycles
  • Creates a familiar sleep environment by mimicking hotel room settings at home
  • Uses earplugs and occasional sleep medication when necessary
JN: Where can people connect with you?
JC: Final words for the audience?
  • The disability advocacy space is tough right now, but don’t give up
  • Surround yourself with good people and protect your energy
  • Keep pushing for change—we will get there

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Connect with Jeremy:
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/nageljeremy
Email: jeremy@focusbear.io

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