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Episode 78: Elan Marko Episode 78

Episode 78: Elan Marko

· 39:25

Welcome to episode #78! We’re thrilled to be joined by Elan Marko today.

Elan Marko is the founder of Deep Work Sprints, a coaching company dedicated to helping ADHD entrepreneurs accomplish their goals faster. His work focuses on overcoming procrastination, perfectionism, and stress by harnessing ADHD strengths to create more fun, flow, and financial success.

After being diagnosed with ADHD during the pandemic, Elan dove deep into research and conducted studies on ADHD entrepreneurs to uncover what truly drives success. Now, he helps entrepreneurs stay consistent, remove distractions, and build the right environment to thrive.

Welcome to the show, Elan!

JN: What was your journey to discovering your ADHD?
  • Always suspected ADHD but never pursued a diagnosis
  • During COVID, a business coach suggested getting tested
  • Read an ADHD story online and immediately related to it
  • Diagnosis explained past struggles but came with little guidance
JN: How did ADHD impact your education and early career?
  • Struggled to focus on studying in university, couldn’t sit still
  • Tried to get diagnosed in college but was discouraged by high costs and lack of treatment options
  • Realized he needed structure and external accountability to thrive
JN: How did your diagnosis change your approach to work?
  • Went into hyperfocus mode, researching everything about ADHD
  • Noticed that many of his coaching clients also had ADHD
  • Shifted his business to focus entirely on ADHD entrepreneurs
JN: Can you tell us about your ADHD entrepreneur studies?
  • Interviewed 35 ADHD entrepreneurs, later expanded to multimillionaire ADHD entrepreneurs
  • Found that consistency—not talent—was the biggest predictor of success
  • Successful entrepreneurs set up "bumper rails" to avoid distractions and failure
  • Most entrepreneurs knew what they needed to do but struggled to follow through
JN: What were the biggest struggles ADHD entrepreneurs faced?
  • Feeling like they weren’t meeting their full potential
  • Lost revenue and opportunities due to unfinished projects
  • Difficulty maintaining business and personal relationships
JN: What does Deep Work Sprints focus on?
  • Helps ADHD entrepreneurs achieve their goals by creating structured, focused work sessions
  • Uses body doubling and accountability to keep clients on track
  • Focuses on consistency and creating the right work environment
JN: What are some key productivity strategies that work for ADHD?
  • Weekly "sprint" planning: setting three critical tasks each week
  • Breaking down tasks into ultra-clear steps
  • Finding unique ways to optimize performance (e.g., sales road trips)
  • Creating the right environment by eliminating distractions
JN: Is consistency possible for ADHD brains?
  • Daily consistency is difficult, but weekly consistency is achievable
  • Building the right systems allows for sustainable performance
  • Exercise, structured work environments, and clear goals make a big difference
JN: What does your morning routine look like?
  • Starts the day with meditation using a visual timer
  • Runs Deep Work Sprints with entrepreneurs in coworking sessions
  • Bikes his daughter to school as part of his daily exercise
  • Uses cold exposure (cold showers) to build resilience
JN: How do you wind down at night?
  • Creates a plan for the next day before bed
  • Avoids Netflix and social media to improve sleep
  • Listens to audiobooks at a slower speed to relax before sleeping
JN: Where can people connect with you?
JN: Final words for the audience?
  • "Your neurodivergence is your superpower. Learn your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, and create an environment where you can thrive."

More from Focus Bear:
Website: https://focusbear.io
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/focus-bear/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@focusbearapp
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/focus_bear/
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Podcast: https://podcast.focusbear.io
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@focusbear

Connect with Jeremy:
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/nageljeremy
Email: jeremy@focusbear.io

Connect with Joey:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joeycorea/
Newsletter: https://thepluckyjester.com/newsletter/


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