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Episode 65: Joey and Jeremy - niching down for work, clear to neutral Episode 65

Episode 65: Joey and Jeremy - niching down for work, clear to neutral

· 41:07

Welcome to the Focus and Chill podcast, episode 65. Today, Jeremy Nagel and Joey Corea talked about niching down for work, and clear to neutral.

  • Niching down - freeplane/Zoho
    • Writing a book for specific people (Tim Ferris approach)
    • If those people don’t like it, it’s a failure
    • User stories and personas - make them real not 
    • Be an apprentice/journeyman first
  • Clear to neutral
    • Closing tabs at end of day
      • Tab limit: 5 tabs
      • Save in Pocket instead?
        • How do you order them?
        • Setting an internal proposition?
          • Low information diet
            • How do you consume content?
              • Fractal reading?
                • Read content around the author (interviews with author)
    • “Leave future self breadcrumbs”
      • Write plan for the next day the night before
    • Clearing desk
    • Resetting donations/subscriptions (pause credit cards)
    • Hemingway starting in middle of sentence
  • Zone 2 cardio
  • ADHD meds/stimulants
    • caffeine

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Connect with Jeremy:
Jeremy’s LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/nageljeremy
Email: jeremy@focusbear.io

Connect with Joey:


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