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Episode 31: Brittany Joiner Episode 31

Episode 31: Brittany Joiner

· 53:34

Welcome to episode #31, I’m excited to be joined by Brittany Joiner today!

Brittany is a self-proclaimed Trello nerd with a passion for software development, lifestyle optimization, and all things productivity. As a Developer Relations (DevRel) professional at PixieBrix, Brittany brings her technical expertise, love for fostering connections, and growth-hacking skills to the table. She's a (somewhat) digital nomad, Youtuber, and indie hacker. 

Welcome to the show Britt!

  1. Can you tell us about your experience with neurodiversity? When did you realize that you weren’t neurotypical? What challenges did you face? What is it like now?
    1. Brain always moved a million miles per minute
    2. Found coping strategies/productivity
    3. Label of anxiety was helpful so went to a psychiatrist
  2. What "work" projects are you concentrating on?
    1. PixieBrix: dev rel - browser automation tool
    2. Wrote a book on Trello
  3. How about the rest of the time? What do you enjoy doing in your off time?
    1. Fostering kittens + looking after pup
    2. Exercise
    3. Gaming: board games + video games
    4. Travel
  4. What does your morning routine look like and how has it evolved over time?
    1. Tidy house + litter box
    2. Go for a walk with the dog
    3. Reward with coffee
    4. Warm up into the day by checking tech news/slack (30-40 mins)
  5. What do you do to optimize productivity during your working hours?
    1. Equipment: 55-inch monitor
    2. Novelty: work from coffee shops
    3. Rewards: Starbucks at lunch
    4. Organizing tasks in Trello
    5. Timers for 30-40 minutes to work on (Focus Bear)
    6. Plan the night before: AkiFlow - scheduling tasks (similar to Morgen)
  7. What is one habit you'd like to remove from your life (either a bad habit or one that takes up too much time)?
    1. Staying in bed too long scrolling on the phone
      1. Smart heater
      2. Turn lights on
  8. How do you switch off at night?
    1. Read/watch TV/play games
    2. Leave the laptop in the office
    3. No laptop in the bedroom
  9. What resources (books, philosophies, apps, sensory toys) do you find most helpful for productivity and habit formation?
    1. PixieBrix
    2. Supercharging productivity with Trello
    3. AkiFlow
    4. Compose
    5. RoseBud AI Journal - “What was the highlight of your day?” - then helps you go deeper
  10. Where can people connect with you or find your work?
    1. Britt_joiner
    2. Substack: trello.substack.com
  11. Do you have any final words or asks for our audience?
    1. Follow your energy levels

Joey’s creativity course


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