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Episode 20: Avigail Gimpel Episode 20

Episode 20: Avigail Gimpel

· 36:03

Welcome to episode #20 We’re thrilled to be joined by Avigail Gimpel today.

Avigail is the author of HyperHealing, The Empowered Parent’s Complete Guide to Raising a Healthy Child with ADHD Symptoms (a #1 best seller on Amazon), and HyperHealing, Show Me the Science!  

She earned her graduate degree at Touro College graduate school for Special Education. She married Daniel Gimpel in 1998 while teaching in an inclusion classroom. She developed a successful intervention program for her students struggling with ADHD symptoms. She and Daniel emigrated to Israel soon after their marriage.  Avigail earned advanced degrees in teaching children with Dyslexia and cognitive education for children with ADHD symptoms. She built a teacher’s training program which she teaches at Hertzog College. She lectures in schools and to parent groups across Israel. In private practice, she educates parents to become ADHD coaches to their children.

  1. Experience with neurodiversity
    1. Special education teacher which exposed her to neurodiverse children
    2. Had 6 kids all with ADHD
    3. Significant research into the causes of and solutions for ADHD 
  2. What "work" projects are you concentrating on?
    1. Author of two books for parents of children with ADHD/adults with ADHD
    2. Coaches parents and groups to help them with ADHD-related challenges
  3. How about the rest of the time? What do you enjoy doing in your off time?
    1. Scuba diving/rappelling with her kids
    2. Walking/CrossFit/running/weights
    3. Learning
  4. What does your morning routine look like and how has it evolved over time?
    1. Morning walk + exercise
  5. What do you do to optimize productivity during your working hours?
    1. mantras/self-talk
    2. Exercise - intense exercise gives her 2-3 hours of productivity
  7. How do you switch off at night?
    1. No screens
    2. Time with family
  8. What resources (books, philosophies, apps, sensory toys) do you find most helpful for productivity and habit formation?
    1. Mad in America - Robert Whitaker
    2. Functional medicine
    3. Dr. John Radey - exercise
    4. Why we sleep - Matthew Walker
    5. Reset Your Child’s Brain
  9. Where can people connect with you or find your work?
    1. Website: https://www.hyperhealing.org/
  10. Do you have any final words or asks for our audience?
    1. Don’t beat yourself up. Accept yourself and have hope that things can get better.


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