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Episode 72: Will Soward Episode 72

Episode 72: Will Soward

· 44:54

Welcome to episode #72 We’re thrilled to be joined by Will Soward today. 

Will works creatively in a diverse field of digital media. He's invested in making online education more accessible for neurodiverse learners and the Web a better place to learn. 

Will talks about UX and accessible UI design with communities in the design and education space. He has 7 years as a UX designer under his belt, 12 years as an adult educator, and 20 years designing and coding front-end. 

Will is currently the Lead UX/LX Designer for Tait Communications in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Welcome to the show Will!

  1. JN: Can you tell us about your experience with neurodiversity? 
    1. When did you realise that you weren’t neurotypical? 
      1. Dyslexia 11
      2. ADHD adult
    2. What challenges did you face? 
      1. Masking - asking questions
      2. Academic - 
        1. Rote learning
        2. Sit still and listen
      3. Speaking
    3. What changes have come post diagnosis?
      1. Context: why does it matter?
      2. More acceptance - stoicism - out of my control
      3. Environmental changes - clutter, to do lists
    4. What challenges do you still face now?
      1. Rabbitholes during meeting
      2. Interrupting
      3. solutionising
    5. What neuroexceptional strengths are you leaning into now?
      1. Jump ahead to solve problems quickly
      2. Creativity
      3. Hyperfocus
  2. JC: What "work" projects are you concentrating on? 
    1. Tait - accessibility design
    2. Online learning - development + design
      1. Make it better for ND adults
  3. JN: How about the rest of the time? What do you enjoy doing in your off time? 
    1. Renovating house (last 8 yrs)
    2. Martial arts - forced calm and focus - karate -> taekwando -> BJJ -> muay thai
  4. JC: Productivity tips  
    1. What do you do to optimise productivity during your working hours? 
      1. Philosophy: stoicism
      2. Breathing: calming
      3. Flywheel to build up motivation
      4. Lists
        1. Key priorities for the week
        2. Reprioritise
      5. Alarm 30 minutes before need to leave
    2. What is some unhelpful productivity advice that doesn’t work for you?
      1. Eat that frog
  5. BREAK  
  6. JC: What does your morning routine look like and how has it evolved over time?
    1. Reprioritise list
  7. JC: How is your sleep? How do you switch off at night? 
    1. Finish in evening at 5pm to make space for relationship - shut laptop
  8. JN: Where can people connect with you or find your work?
    1. Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/willsoward/
    2. Website: https://willsoward.com/
  9. JC: Do you have any final words or asks for our audience? 
    1. Learn more about neurodiversity

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Connect with Jeremy:
Email: jeremy@focusbear.io

Connect with Joey:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joeycorea/


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