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Episode 56: Christal Wang Episode 55

Episode 56: Christal Wang

· 43:47

Welcome to episode #56. We’re thrilled to be joined by Christal Wang today.

Christal (Forbes 30 under 30) is a startup founder, expert ADHD advocate & speaker, angel investor, and forever tinkerer. She is the Co-Founder & CEO of Shimmer (YC S21, Google for Startups, StartX): the first-ever comprehensive behavioral tech platform for adults with ADHD. She is an avid snowboarder, amateur surfer, world traveler, and coach-in-training for founders with ADHD. She is a part of and cares the most about: LGBTQ+, AAPI, women/non-binary, and neurodiverse.

Welcome to the show Chris!

  1. Can you tell us about your experience with neurodiversity? 
    1. When did you realize that you weren’t neurotypical? 
      1. Used to be different: only Asian in her primary school
      2. The difference was apparent early on in school
      3. She was great at coming up with fun scenarios for her friends - they’d follow along
    2. What challenges did you face? 
      1. She was called nosy and loud
      2. She’d often get kicked out of class by teachers who didn’t understand
      3. School seemed overly focused on memorizing
      4. Challenges at work with managers who expected linear progress
    3. What is it like now?
      1. Much better thanks to being able to delegate weaknesses, ADHD meds, and coaching
    4. What neuro-exceptional strengths are you leaning into now?
      1. As a startup CEO, she naturally shares an inspiring vision and mission that excites her team
      2. “Nosiness” translates into curiosity
  2. What "work" projects are you concentrating on?
    1. Shimmer ADHD coaching platform (Jeremy uses it 🙂)
      1. Affordable ADHD coaching
      2. She started it because it was what she needed and she couldn’t find anything that was accessible
  3. How about the rest of the time? What do you enjoy doing in your off time?
    1. Sabbaticals: 6-12 month cultural immersions/work aways
    2. Adrenaline activities: snowboarding, skiing, surfing
  4. What do you do to optimize productivity during your working hours? What is some unhelpful productivity advice that doesn’t work for you?
    1. Body doubling (does it in person with a friend)
    2. Time blocking in the calendar (blocks out 2hr deep work blocks)
    3. Planning
    4. Taking breaks (15-minute coffee break instead of trying to stuff in admin tasks every minute of the day)
  6. How do you manage communication with neurotypical folk?
    1. Overcommunicate: explain your process and what you need to be successful
    2. Soften feedback:
      1. Smile
      2. Use I statements (I observed)
      3. Receive feedback yourself
  7. What does your morning routine look like and how has it evolved over time?
    1. Set the alarm for the latest possible time!
    2. Currently, it’s just drinking coffee
    3. She has gone through phases of hitting the gym first thing but not right now
  8. How is your sleep? How do you switch off at night?
    1. Challenging - her circadian rhythm doesn’t match her NT boyfriend’s. Creates friction sometimes
  9. Where can people connect with you or find your work?
    1. Instagram: shimmer.care
    2. Website: shimmer.care
  10. Do you have any final words or asks for our audience?
    1. Try new strategies but don’t feel bad if they don’t work - there are always more strategies


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